Why should I register my horse?

Immediately increases the marketability and market value of the horse.

Creates universal stud books and pedigree records based on verified parentage.

It will help you to keep your breeding program organized via our database. It will also help you track the success of particular bloodlines. It is equally important to know what bloodlines do NOT produce horses that buck, as it is to know the ones that DO.

*Horse buyer:
It will allow you to know exactly what you’re buying. You’ll be able to see the pedigree of the horse you’re purchasing on the certificate. And, you can do additional research on the pedigree of the horse in the “Animal” portion of our website. If there’s any doubt that the horse you are purchasing is not the horse on the certificate, you can send in an “Additional Parentage Research” form to confirm your purchase.

*Horse seller:
It will confirm exactly what you are selling.

*Producer of events:
It will help solidify the quality of the horses you’re bringing to your event.

You will be eligible for any incentive money the BHBA adds to various events.

*Accredited Program: 
            Accredited Program Information 





Name Change

Sire Declaration

Additional Parentage


How do I renew my membership?

If expired, at time of member login you will have the option

to renew at that time. Or you can call the office.

Will I be notified when my membership expires?

Yes, letters/email will be sent out 30 days prior to expiring.

What is your business hours and contact information?

8:00-5:00 Monday-Friday
435-789-BHBA (2422)

What is the average turnaround time for registering a horse?

4-6 weeks from time UCDAVIS receives DNA samples.

I have sent in the registration information but not finding it under my membership after I have received my certificate.

Please contact the office via email or phone (see contact info)

There is an error on the registration, how can this be corrected?

Please contact the office via email or phone (see contact info)

How long is a membership?

We offer: 1 year or Lifetime. See Membership form or Fees from for cost.

Do you have news letters that goes out to your members?

Check for event updates on the website and Facebook page (Bucking Horse Breeders Association)

Will I get a membership card in the mail?


Can I get more than one membership card?


I lost my membership card. How can I get a new one?

Yes, Contact the office via email or phone

Can I have a joint membership with someone else?

Yes, see membership from for more information.

Do you have a Facebook page?

Yes: Bucking Horse Breeders Association

Is my credit card secure?

Yes, all credit card charges will be handled through Authorize.net.

I lost my original certificate. Can I get another one? If so, what’s the cost?

Yes, see “Fees” form.

Do photos need to be submitted with the registration?

No, it is not required. However, if you do submit a photo, BHBA will add the markings to the registration certificate according to the picture you submit. The picture will then be placed in your horse's file.

My membership shows to be in pending status. What does that mean?

Membership dues (via credit card) are pending approval or membership is expired.

How do I send in DNA?

Once registration application is submitted to BHBA an email will be sent to you from UCDAVIS with your horse information and barcode. The horses DNA will need to be attached to this letter and mailed to UCDAVIS. DNA can also be sent to the BHBA office with the horse’s registration form. BHBA office personnel will then send DNA to UCDAVIS. Please do not place DNA sample in plastic baggie.

How much does it cost to become a member?

See Fees Form or Membership Form

How much does it cost to register a horse?

See Fees Form or Registration Form

What if my horse is out of an unregistered horse? How will the certificate of registration read?

That portion will state: Unregistered

Do you register clones? If so, will they be identified on the papers/website?

Yes. The only pedigree that will be listed on the cloned certificate is the horse it was cloned from.

What do you do with the DNA once the lab is done?

DNA will be stored at UCDAVIS’s genetics lab.

Can I send in pictures to be put on my papers instead of drawing out markings?

Yes, however the picture will not be printed on the certificate of registration. BHBA will add markings according to the picture you submit. The picture will then be place in your horse's file.

Can I add accomplishments to my horse’s profile?

The BHBA will be able to add accomplishments to the horse’s profile. We will work with event coordinators to retrieve the events official score sheets.

Do you have merchandise such as T-shirts, hats, stickers, etc.?

Yes. Our BHBA merchandise is located under the “About” tab.

I had my horse DNA’d at another lab, can I transfer those results to you?

No. All DNA testing must be done by UCDAVIS.

My horse did not come back matching the parent(s) I submitted, why?

It is very important when filling out the registration application to submit ALL possible sires and dams. If none of the sires and/or dams listed on the registration application match the DNA results an "Additional Parentage Research" form will need to be submitted.

How do I submit additional parenting options?

"Additional Parentage Research" form will need to be submitted.

When do I need to provide a sire deceleration form?

If you do not own the sire at the time of breeding a “Sire Deceleration” form must be filled out and submitted with application with horses born in 2017 or after.

What if my horse has the same name as another horse?

They can have the same name. Each horse will have its own registration identification.

I already have DNA from UCDAVIS. How do I register my horse?

Fill out registration form and send in a copy of the UCDAVIS DNA report. This report MUST have the “CASE” # that is located in the top right corner.

Rush orders?

We do allow rush orders at additional cost (see fees form). Mark “RUSH ORDER” at top of registration form. Please allow 10 days processing time.

My certificate of registration is missing some horses on the pedigree but I have noticed the ones that are missing are now registered. Can I get an updated certificate of registration?

Yes, with the submission of the “Additional Parentage Research” form and the original certificate of registration.

Does my horse have to be branded?

Yes, all horses must have a brand number.

Can I pull mane hair from a horse I do not own and submit it for DNA?

No, you must own the animal you are submitting to DNA.

Does the BHBA register Pony Broncs?

Yes, Pony Broncs are eligible for registration.

Can I mail in my registration form and DNA to be processed?

Yes. Please do not place DNA sample in plastic bag. DNA sample can be placed in envelope.

Can I register my horses online?

Yes. However, you will still have to mail in your horse markings before the certificate of registration can be printed. Please do not place DNA sample in plastic bag.